Final Words

12th Place, 1st Juror

Final Words

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:56:58 am

Wow, MamaKim!! You may have been the merge boot, but that doesn't mean you didn't make an impact on this game, and now you get to set the tone of JuryHaus!

Anyways, I definitely have to say that the way you handled the role of Cacique and how you skated around the tasks without making people hate you was pretty flawless. Things definitely fell apart for you with Frank, but hey, it happens, and the game isn't over for you yet!

Anyways, this is a place to reflect on your time in the game. Any regrets? Things you would change? Would you play again? And who are you rooting for, and what do you expect to happen! Let it all out here! Don't hold back!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Holly Hoffman » Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:06:32 am

Bad luck Kim. Congrats on jury though. We hope you can stick around and watch the rest of this game unfold.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:07:19 am

Any Regrets? I think what really killed me isn't the Frank alliance, what killed me is who I sent to the other tribe. I should've kept Clarence (cause I think he would've done anything I said) and Lindsey (she's awesome) and sent Linda and Lex instead. Then Frank might've merged, and we would've kicked ass! Frank shouldn't have lasted long in this game, but he NEEDED to merge. For sure.

Things I would change? I kinda said in the regrets what I would change. To add some more though: I would change the fact that Lex and Linda constantly backstabbed me when I showed nothing but teamwork and appreciation in return. I hope they were 2 of the people who voted with me last tribal. They better. I would also change Frank's attitude at swap. It kinda killed him, and in the end it kinda killed me too.

Would I play again? Hell yeah I would! I don't think I did anything awesome-worthy. However, I'd be game to return anytime Jeff wants.

Who am I rooting for? I'm rooting for Clarence, Lindsey, Kim P mostly. Secondary roots go for Sean. Everyone after we have to wait and see what happens, and then after a million tons of shit is Sarah. She lied so unnecessarily that its ridiculous. Thankfully I have an impact sorta.

What I expect to happen? I expect Sarah to leave whenever she doesn't have immunity. Followed by Clarence. After that, I have NO clue what could happen XP

I love these! Any more questions?
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:28:53 am

I totally called the Clarence thing. I think Kim P is next. Maybe Sarah, MAYBE.

God, I wish Linda or Lex would leave sooner. They're killing they're assured final 6. I hope it pays off for them, ortherwise I won't be happy when they get voted out 8th/9th
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:36:13 pm

Oh man. I already changed my opinion of a lot of people.

Sorry Sarah. When I was voted out, I thought you were the person that said "I told you that you were safe, I was lieing". If anyone cares enough to read this PX
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:03:16 am

Sarah wrote:God Lex, I see why you're a fucking alternate and not a first draft.

icon_lol icon_whistling
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:22:05 am

Lex wrote:Brenda didn't have to correct my spelling icon_mml but he asked me to shorten it icon_cry .

Did I ever tell you guys years ago I won a regional spelling bee in my area and $5000? I think that was in grade seven... good times.

Like honestly, it's starting to become annoying. He showboats his effort too much, jesus.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:51:07 am

There is no way I'm going to let Lex's holier-than-thou attitude be my last post.

I'm going to thank ALL of you. Jeff, every mod, even the lurkers, for such an amazing experience in this game. You don't have to say your welcome, just please read this and accept it.

The amount of effort put into this game is astounding to say the least, and I had an amazing experience. I may have left half a month ago, but every emotion I felt is RIPE in my head, and I had probably the greatest survivor experience to date (until I'm on survivor for season 29, of course icon_wink )

What an experience. I hope I can see what people thought of me in the lurker-lounge or whatever the viewing chat-room is.

One last thing: Cacique vs Cacique next season. Hmm? Hmm? 18 people plus Sarah and I? We're no longer protected by our immunity post merge, and no longer burdened by the title post merge. Think about it.

Thanks again you guys. What an experience. Can't wait to be a Lurker now!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:52:31 am

Sorry, that first one was pre-merge. woops
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:25:38 am

Awe Kim j, you'll see you we're always one of my favs... Not the most outspoken or ott but always real and in the moment and I felt that. So glad you enjoyed it and it's the reason I still do this. After the game is over you will have plenty to read in the losers lodge; the Lurkers den; the host forums and a ton to talk about heading into season 20 of stranded! You were awesome and can't wait until tomorrow when we can all speak more candidly when the game is in the can!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Kim J » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:30:05 am

Oh man, I'm so pleased that I was one of your favorites, it gives my confidence (and my ego) a HUGE boost! I thought people would see me as overbearing, opinionated in the jury, or even too much of a "tru-blood" for the Tamanacoans XD

Will this be via mic, or via text? I'm game either way. I still gotta make my AIM, but that takes like 3 seconds.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Lex » Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:53:30 am

To clarify I only started the "holier-than-thou" attitude after Sarah called me a "whiny bitch", then I lost my sanity.
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