Fallen Comrades

12th Place, 1st Juror

Fallen Comrades

Postby Kim J » Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:11:08 am

Gabriel = You did nothing, from what I've read. I'm willing to bet your an easy third. I don't dislike you, you're just not winning.
Gina = You're a nice person and a good player. I hardly knew you, but I wish I could've gotten to know you more.
Linda = Can't respect your game. I liked our little chit-chats though.
Lindsey = You're the nicest person, and you're a great player. A deadly combo, worthy of a win. You go girl ;)


5th - 8th Juror Lex = Lex, I was willing to give so much for you. I consider you a terrible alliance mate, however, you were better then Linda. Sorry you got out fifth, I'm slightly appalled at Linda's decision on that.
6th - 7th Juror Sean = Sean, you fought well and hard. You deserved to go farther, if not to the end. Sorry I had to consider voting you out. You were just THAT good.
7th - 6th Juror Patricia = I didn't really like you, but you played hard. Kudos. Unlucky endgame, sorry.
8th - 5th Juror Sarah = Not sure what angle you were going for in this game. You were nice to me, but from what i've heard, not many others. Nice try.
9th - 4th Juror Vecepia = I wish you would talk to me more. Sorry for voting you.
10th - 3rd Juror Kim P = You didn't deserve to do this bad socially (maybe strategically?). Oh well. Good game, twin!
11th - 2nd Juror Clarence = I liked you, but I always figured you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed strategically. I still think your the nicest person though <3
12th - 1st Juror Kim J = Yep, thats me!

13th Frank = You ended your own game. You had the potential to play great, and I honestly think Lex/Linda made a bad decision. Still, good game.
14th General = I liked you, but you were a threat. Good game.
15th Big Tom = You weren't really trying hard enough. Shouldn't have relied 100% on Diane.
16th Diane = I didn't mind you as much as the others, but you did rustle some feathers.
17th Peter = Who?
18th John
= Who?
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Kim J
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Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:16:20 am

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