Vote Reasoning

6th Place, 7th Juror

Vote Reasoning

Postby Sean » Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:18:32 am

I was honestly torn between Lindsey and Linda. Gabe really lost it for me with his answers, and idk, just didnt feel his game anymore. I maybe was a little to harsh on Lindsey becasue I superly respect her game. But for me with the jury last night I think Linda said all the right things and really stole the show.I would be super surprised if lindsey doesnt win this season, and she would deserve it but I think Linda was super under rated and I can truely see the game she has played.

Best of luck to her and Lindsey..... and i guess gabe too but I dont want to see him win it. I'll be sad if my vote for Linda costs Lindsey the game.
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