Jury Questions

4th Place, Final Juror

Jury Questions

Postby Gina » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:22:19 am

Making this now so the mods know I'll fill it in later! Still trying to decide between a question and a statement. Either way I'm hoping it will be good.
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Re: Jury Questions

Postby Gina » Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:22:08 pm

Firstly, congratulations guys on making the final 3! I'm proud of all of you, and all of you deserve to be sitting there. But hey, I understand that you had to take me out. I know I was the most intelligent, charming and beautiful one left in the game so no hard feelings icon_wink .

I will say that while I am leaning one way, my vote CAN be swayed by how you answer questions tonight. I will be looking for honesty and assertiveness in answers. If you played someone and they're trying to say you didn't, call them out on it! That's what I want to see and that is what I will respect in a winner. You were all dominant players in your own way. So own it.

My question is going to be a little different, but I think it will be an interesting test to see how well you know your fellow players. I'd like you to rank the 9 members of the jury in order of most likely to least likely to vote for you, and give a brief statement on your justification. Who do you think you have in the bag, and who do you think hates you?
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