Lindsey - played by Diamondmachine (SurvivorSucks)Name/Identity: diamondmachine
I am a member of the following forums: Survivor Sucks, Other
Are you available to check messages throughout the day? Yes
1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?
I can devote a lot of time to this game. I play ORGs very often on a different forum and I'm known to be one of the most dedicated players there. When I play a game, I always devote a lot of time to scheming.
Since this game starts on June 14th (if I'm reading that correctly?), I'll be free a lot of the time. I'm in high school and I get out of school this coming Friday (June 7th). The only times I'd be consistently unavailable during would be when I sleep, which is like... All morning time EST (like usually around 3 AM-noon ish).
2. What is your main motivation for playing?
As much as I enjoy playing at the other forum I'm on and as much as I enjoy the people there, it gets a bit repetitive. The alliances are the same in most games and it gets kind of old. I'm looking to apply and play this game because it will be a refreshing change of pace - I'm looking for a REAL test that really shows how good of a player I am, without my friends here to help me along. And I'd love to make a few new friends along the way, too.
Also, I was reading about your philosophy and as a huge mega fan of the older seasons of Survivor I love the way you approach the game, because each player has their own unique point of view and story to tell. I LOVE that.
3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?
As previously mentioned, I play games consistently at another forum that I'm a moderator on ( I've probably played about 15 Survivor games there and I won 2 of them. However, there are also lots of other games there like Big Brother and I Love Money and some completely innovative and creative new concepts as well that I've played in and loved, too.
4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?
1 - Katie Gallagher, for the bitchy and witty qualities she possesses and just generally being a fun person to be around.
2 - Todd Herzog, for being an overly ambitious player, for being gay, for being a Survivor superfan, for getting overexcited and being caught up in himself sometimes while playing the game.
3 - Helen Glover, for always wearing her emotions on her sleeve and having an extreme reaction to everything, whether it be elated or pissed off. Helen was always the first to show emotion to everything and her emotion was always the most extreme and real. I'm also an emotional person like that who wears everything on their sleeve.
5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?
Narrowing it down to three is pretty impossible!
1. Sandra Diaz-Twine. She is, without contest, my favorite castaway of all time. There is no one who I have ever enjoyed and loved and rooted for as much as her. She is pure, unadulterated and unfiltered entertainment and every scene with her in it is instantly bettered for me. She's also one of my favorite players because for me, Sandra's style of play exemplifies what I think Survivor is all about: adaptation.
2. Richard Hatch. There's hardly anyone better than the original. Like Sandra, Richard is a great blend of amazing gameplay and endless entertainment. He's so intelligent and I really just never get tired of like... Listening to him speak? I don't really know a better way to put it. He pretty much invented Survivor, he's hilarious and entertaining on both of his appearances and I just love him both as a player and as a character and I can't stress that enough.
3. Courtney Yates. The first two were easy to come up with and this third spot was a lot harder. Do I put Cirie? or Rob C? or Katie, Kathy, Randy, Sugar, Coach, Lisa or Ami? Nope! The answer in my heart is Courtney. No one else made me laugh as much as Courtney did on China. Courtney was unfiltered entertainment. She was a bitch who also somehow managed to be endearing as well. She was also extremely self-aware, which goes a long way in my book and almost caused her to accidentally win China. Love her.
6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
One of my main issues both in games and in life has been not thinking before I speak. I've been trying to change that, because I hate how buckwild I can get in conflict situations. When I look back I usually get pretty embarrassed by the things I can say in the heat of the moment. I'd like to say that I'll think things through and argue rationally with people when I'm confronted, but odds are I'll get caught up in the moment and get pretty heated.
7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?
One of two ways:
1. An edit similar to that of people like Kathy or Helen - a complex force where the show is able to present all the facets of my personality, both positive and negative, and make me seem human.
2. An edit similar to Courtney or Katie - aka "the bitch." I'd like to think I'm a pretty witty and bitchy person and I'm sure being around the same people 24/7 would drive me up a wall and give me plenty of nasty things to say about them. I could easily be a sound byte queen.
8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?
The second one - the bitch. They'd probably simplify me into the stereotypical and catty gay. Which sucks because I think there's more to me than that.
9. What personality types do you typically get along with?
1. Alpha bitches. I'm generally a pretty submissive person who goes with the flow. Being in control of things actually makes me really anxious. I'm not a mindless follower, but I'd much prefer to not be the one in charge. I'm okay being the right hand man.
2. Funny people who don't take things very seriously. Life is to be laughed at.
3. Catty/witty/bitchy people. Mean is usually funny to me.
4. People who are genuinely nice/caring/compassionate/genuine.
5. People who may not be always nice, but are always real and upfront.
10. What personality types do you typically clash with?
1. People who take themselves too seriously.
2. People who use intimidation as a form of exerting power or control.
3. People who think they're better than they are or talk down to you.
4. People who indulge in self-pity.
5. People with no self-awareness.
11. What style of game play do you most respect?
People like Vecepia or Sandra who are constantly adapting to the changing social dynamics of the game and constantly jumping off of sinking ships. There is nothing I respect more than when someone betters their own position in the game by jumping off a sinking ship. Survivor is an individual game. There's only one winner. Make it be you by whatever means necessary.
12. What is your strategy going into the game?
If I haven't made it clear by now by saying what type of game I most admire, I want to take this opportunity of not knowing anyone and use it to play like a Vecepia. Make alliances and if they go down, I'm sure as hell not going down with them. I wanna be sneaky and I wanna be deceptive. Basically, I wanna be a shady, flip-floppy bitch and just have a lot of fun.
Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.
There's not much else that I want to say that I haven't already said. I really hope you guys can put me in the game and if not, well... I'll be back next season! But I hope you enjoyed this application as much as you'd enjoy me being in the game. ;) #Ratings!