by Holly Hoffman » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:32:41 am
Before the swap, you would have given anything to watch these guys. A Cacique on a power driven mission, an uprising in the works with claims the cacique is not a capable leader. But there’s been some twists, Tamanaco has jumped out as the centre of attention lately, in particular Frank and Sean, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing interesting on Mariche. This is a two tribe game and anything over here is just as important as it is over there.
Gabriel has stood out as every host’s favourite. Why? He is doing video confessionals instead of boring old walls of text! Although he hasn’t given us much since the swap and it’s hard to get a real grasp without re-watching his latest video. He seemed very happy with the swap all things considered. The three who left were the ones he would have sent in the position. Right off the back he’s identified threatening points in all three players sent from Tamanaco (KimP/Lindsey as a pair and Clarence as an alleged spy). Since then he hasn’t really been around much so it’s hard to get a read on how he sees things at the moment.
If you can find a better come from behind story than Gina I’d be very surprised. Last in to Mariche in the first round and has been playing a lot of catch up since then and is now in a very solid position with some decent allies who could really send Gina far. Her bond with Patricia has brought her far and has helped her establish herself as a lot of people’s closest ally. She’s bonded well with the three new members and even though she has described Clarence as creepy, there seems to be mutual interests there in working together.
KimP has been really quiet. Her emotions seem to have jumped all over the place from sadness over being swapped to almost mocking the Tamanaco’s she left behind when Mariche won the challenge. The impression I get is that she and Lindsey are relatively close but it’s interesting to keep that in mind because...
Lindsey has openly spoke about throwing KimP under the bus, and has done so to Sarah. She has ingrained herself in Mariche very well, in particular the Gina/Patricia pairing. She has made Clarence/KimP more likely boots in the event the Mariche4 stick together on this side. Although Lindsey has her doubts Mariche is being genuine with her. The latest events with Sean having idols in his possession and Sarah seemingly asking Mariche to give up immunity have not helped these feelings die down.
Patricia has inquired Sarah about other cacique tasks but knows nothing for sure. After her confrontation with Sarah before the swap I think this could be very interesting. It was widely known Patricia was of the impression power had got to Sarah’s head and is only staying cacique foe the immunity. Little does she know the backstory of the cacique position and just how it affects the tribe. Patricia wasn’t there on day 1 when the vote took place. It’s interesting the slight paranoia Patricia had at the swap about Sarah flipping on the three who stayed on Mariche. She seems to be fitting in pretty well with the new members as well and it will be interesting to see how she swings come the merge.
Sarah, everyone’s favourite shit-stirrer. She has embraced her role as cacique and the convenient immunity that goes with it. It doesn’t look like she is going out of her way to be some strategic mastermind or alliance builder because, why should she? She’s safe provided she can keep the cacique role in her corner. Unfortunately this lax attitude has spilled into her confessionals as well which is rather disappointing.
Clarence doesn’t seem to be in anything right at the moment. He has tried establishing a number of 1 on 1 alliances with people but has stated they are fabricated on lies and can be considered relatively weak and flimsy. Although, it looks like he *may* have an inroad with Gina, Patricia and Gabriel as a far game deal but as far as the solidity of this, I cannot say. His seemingly sub standard socialite approach won’t help him, flicking through the PMs and he doesn’t show up much relative to the others, there are chains which end on him. It’s going to be interesting to see how he progresses at the merge should he make it.
The Hidden Immunity Idol is now in an interesting position. There’s word Sean has both idols but how certain are those on Mariche? Gina has two clues and has been conflicted as to if she should share them or not. Gabriel has the first clue, not that it is too helpful. I think Lindsey has clues but I’m not sure how many. Sarah has seen all the clues I believe but she doesn’t seem ken on looking for it. Do they believe Sean has the real idol or do they take the chance he didn’t actually take it with him. Sarah did give him a fake clue and I’m surprised Sarah hasn’t clicked on that yet. We could be in a position where there are no idols at the merge. That would really make things interesting.
This tribe has potential but whether it will be let out before the merge is still up in the air. The dynamics surrounding Sarah’s cacique role, her former Mariche tribemates and how they interact with these Tamanco’s injected into the group.